Crops can be planted and harvested on your Home island.
Click on a field to start planting, select the crop you want, and drag it over the garden plots. There is no cost for planting and no energy required to harvest. All you have to do is wait for the crops to be ready, then click on the crop and drag the scythe over the crops to harvest them.
Every crop gives you one of the resource you plant, but Roots and Corn can also give you Tuft of grass.
Crops can appear on Event islands. They can cost energy to harvest.
User lvl | Crop | Time | Bonus resources |
0 | Wild Roots | 0 min, costs 5 Energy | 3 Roots |
2 | Roots | 2 min | 1 Tuft of grass every 4-6 Roots |
7 | Corn | 4 min | 1 Tuft of grass every 4-6 Corn |
11 | Tomato | 5 min | |
15 | Pepper | 15 min | |
21 | Wheat | 30 min | |
85 | Cotton | 1 h |